Note: All Sargent Bujinkan Dojo Policies are Zero Tolerance

Child Safe Training Policy 

As of the 11th of April 2015 the South Australian Government will introduce mandatory regulations and amendments to the Child Protection Act.

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo has always had a Child Safe and protection policy, however in line with new requirements we have updated our policy to comply with the new legislation.  Please read the new requirements below:

From 11 April 2015, new requirements will apply to sole traders, people working in partnerships, the responsible authority of an organisation and volunteers (who are not engaged or appointed by an organisation)   These people will be prohibited from performing child related work (“prescribed functions”) unless they have obtained in the last three years:

  • A child related employment screening certificate or letter issued by the authorized screening unit (the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion Screening Unit)


  • A criminal history report prepared by South Australia Police or a Crim Trac accredited agency.

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo Training Statement

We believe that all students have the right to train in a safe, happy, friendly environment that encourages friendship in the Bujinkan.  Please be aware of the training policies below in relation to Bullying and Conduct.

Sargent Bujinkan Child Safe Environments Protection Policy

  1. Access to Safe training policy:

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will make available to any person upon either verbal or request by other medium our Child Safe Policy.


  1. Access to Police Clearance

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will make available to any person upon either verbal or request by other medium National Police Clearance Certificates of the Instructors.

  1. Web Site

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo does, and will continue to provide publicly its Child Safe Training Policy on its Web site.

  1. Joining information

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo prospective membership information packs contain the full version of our Child Safe Training Policy as part of our open disclosure policy.

  1. Suitability of Adults

A.1 All persons over the age of 18 years are required to furnish Sargent Bujinkan Dojo with a current National Police Clearance prior to enrolment into the Dojo as a student is processed.

A.2 Any person who cannot, or will not comply with the requirement in part A.1 above will not be admitted as a student to Sargent Bujinkan Dojo.

A.3 Any person who does provide a National Police Clearance and who has engaged in criminal conduct, or who has served a term of imprisonment, or who is currently on Bail/ or any form of Court Order will not be admitted to Sargent Bujinkan Dojo.

A.3.1 Any person who provides a National Police Clearance and on that document there is evidence of minor offences (no more than 2) in the Categories of Driving while intoxicated / Speeding /or minor traffic infringements will have their application for membership considered against the following:

  • No more than 2 offences of those described above
  • No offence to have occurred within the last 12 months
  • Any National Police Clearance identifying a continuing pattern of offending, of any sort where it can be ascertained by Sargent Bujinkan Dojo that the person presenting the certificate is what would be classified as a Recidivist Offender will not be admitted as a student to Sargent Bujinkan Dojo.

A.4 All persons over the age of 18 will provide a renewed National Police Clearance at their own cost every 3 years, or their membership of Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will be cancelled.

  1. Mandatory Reporting

Sargent Bujinkan Dojo and its Instructors comply with the mandatory reporting requirements as set out under South Australian Law.

B.1 Sargent Bujinkan Dojo Instructors have undertaken Mandatory Reporting Training to comply with Mandatory Reporting Requirements.

B.2 All suspected abuse will be reported immediately to State Authorities and relevant reports filed.

B.3 Sargent Bujinkan Dojo has a Zero Tolerance policy to any forms of Abuse to any person regardless of age, sex, or cultural identity.

  1. Safe Training environment

C.1 No Child under the age of 18 will at any time while in the presence or the premises of Sargent Bujinkan Dojo be left alone with an Adult who is not their Parent or Legal Guardian.

C.2 All Children under the age of 18 who attend training at Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will have at least 1 Parent or Legal Guardian present at all times.

C.3 All Families and members of Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will be provided access to a qualified Social Worker /Psychologist or other professional should the need arise.

C.4 No Child will be forced to undertake any training activity they do not wish to engage in.

  1. Bullying

D.1 Bullying and or Harassment of any Member by any other person in the Dojo will not be tolerated.

D.2 Sargent Bujinkan has a Zero tolerance policy for any such behaviour.

D.3 Any person found to have engaged in such behaviour will be counselled in the first instance, and as a result of such counselling permanent expulsion from the Dojo may be the result.

  1. Conduct of all members

E.1 All Members of Sargent Bujinkan Dojo will treat each other with respect and will refrain from the following while in the Dojo, or in the perimeter of the Dojo including externally to the Dojo:

  • Swearing /Profanity
  • Inappropriate behaviour
  • Bullying or Harassment

E.2 Any person who engages in this behaviour will be counselled and permanent expulsion from Sargent Bujinkan Dojo may be the result

  1.   10. Complaints and Concerns

F.1 Any person weather they are a member of Sargent Bujinkan Dojo or not are encouraged to lodge any formal or informal complaints / concerns, or any other matter with the Head Instructor Mr Jason Paul Sargent.  Mobile:0406636101.

F.2 All matters will be held in confidence and no person making such complaints or concerns will be identified, except as prescribed by South Australian Law.

Note: Sargent Bujinkan Dojo has a Zero Tolerance Policy towards all matters identified above.  We at all times will put the safety of Children before all else.  We will without fear or favour report all and any matters to Child Protection SA, Families SA and the South Australian Police.